라보바르데의 디자인은
미니멀 속에 담긴 섬세함으로,
누구의 삶에든 자연스럽게
스며들도록 설계되었습니다.
Smart design, Sustainable life.
스마트한 디자인, 지속가능한 삶
Bio leather is just the beginning. We use eco-friendly materials, but our vision goes beyond that. Sustainability shouldn't be a difficult or inconvenient choice it should feel natural, effortless, and inspiring. From the little things you touch every day, change begins. Your small choices can create a big difference.
라보바르데의 제품은 여러분의 일상 속에서
조용히 빛을 발하며 자연스레 개성을 드러내도록 도와요.
익숙한 하루에 은은한 감도와 아름다움을 더해보세요
Premium leather watch strap (7color)53,000원
Premium book clip (3color)19,000원
Premium handy note (3 color)19,000원
Bio leather is just the beginning. We use eco-friendly materials, but our vision goes beyond that.
Sustainability shouldn't be a difficult or inconvenient choice it should feel natural, effortless, and inspiring.
From the little things you touch every day, change begins. Your small choices can create a big difference.
(주)컨셔스웨어 | CEO: 서인아 | Address : 서울특별시 성동구 광나루로 286, 9층(성수동2가, 아인빌딩)
Business License: 381-86-02444 Communication Sales Business Report : 2023-서울성동-1184
☎ Help Center +82 0507-1411-7175 (AM10-PM5,Lunch PM1-PM2, Weekend and Holiday off) | contact@cwear.co.kr
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